We extend our sympathy to Pat James and family in the loss of her husband, Ed James. Funeral services were held yesterday at Walnut Street.
We extend our sympathy to Aline Estes in the loss of her sister, Rosa Mai Mitchell. Funeral services were held Monday at Taylor Funeral Home.
Congratulations to Michael Burgess who was baptized Friday evening for the remission of sins.
Prayers are requested for:
- Anna Belle Baker, (3-year-old granddaughter of Darrell & Mary Katherine Baker) who has been diagnosed with arthritis and will receive chemo shots once a week for a year
- David Pippin, who received good results from heart tests
- Sarah Roberts, who fell and broke her arm
- Vonita Gray, who fell and broke her foot
- Edgar Davidson, (uncle of Kirk Davidson) who has cancer and is on hospice care
- Peggy Roberts, (sister of Janie Jones), who will meet with oncologists on August 10
- The family of Mickey Martin (student at Nashville Christian, friend of the Perez family) who was killed in an accident
- Zachary Scruggs, who has had several seizures recently
- Pam Deak, who requested prayers
- Eric and Dayna Lott, who requested prayers
- Perry Turner, who is having issues with cancer treatments
Dickson Healthcare: Mary Miller (rehab)
Horizon Medical Center: Mary Bates (ICU, awaiting surgery); Margie Cochran (room 107)
NHC: Jim Southerland (father of Ken Southerland, room 219)
Select Specialty: Sean Moore (room 3514)
Other Announcements:
Make plans to join us for the Wednesday Express Meal on August 12th. Menu includes hamburgers, baked beans and chips.
This Sunday, there will be a devotional for 6th grades through college age at the home of Ted and Sharon Williams.
Golfers, make plans to participate in the annual Golf Fore a CURE event on FRIDAY, September 18. Look for more information in this week’s bulletin.
Joe Deweese will be interviewed on the PTL channel (channel 15 WGPD or channel 50) today at 10:30 AM. He will be discussing science and creation.
Going Deeper Bible reading for today: Jeremiah 1-3
Today’s Birthdays: Freida Givens, Joey Turbeville
Today’s Anniversaries: Jack & Joyce Baker, Nicholas & Jennifer Pleasant
“Then I said, “Ah, Lord God! Behold, I do not know how to speak, for I am only a youth.” But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a youth’; for to all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 1: 6-8