We extend our sympathy to the family of Jack Marress, who passed away Thursday. Funeral services will be held in Waverly, but details are not known at this time.
Congratulations to Sheridan Gray, who was baptized for the remission of sins Sunday night.
Congratulations to our young people who were baptized last week at Leatherwood Bible Camp:
- Tucker Purvine
- Myka Endsley
- Kelby Givens
- Sara Ragan
- Reece Britt
- Kaitlyn Chester
- Katie Williams
- Jake Hudspeth
We extend our sympathy to Robby and Shawn Harmon and family in the loss of his step-father, Billy Crosswhite. A graveside service was held Sunday in Alabama.
We also extend our sympathy to Jim and Beth Greene and family in the loss if his mother, Shirley Greene. A memorial service is being planned for a later date.
Prayers are requested for:
- Joyce Baker, who is recovering from foot surgery
- Roger Michael, who has been discharged from the hospital
- Betty Baker, (sister of Bobby Cathey) who is undergoing tests
- Franklin Reynolds, (brother of Jim Reynolds) complications from surgery
- Aaron Zuller, who is in Japan on a mission trip
- Alan and Carrie Ragan, who are on a mission trip in South America
- Nancy Gordon, who requested prayers Sunday morning
- Edith Mitchell, (retired DCHS teacher, friend of many at Walnut Street) who is in poor health but would enjoy visitors
Centennial Medical Center (Sarah Cannon): Anita Porter (room 3330)
St. Thomas Midtown: Christine Hall (room #6616, surgery went well)
Vanderbilt University Medical Center: Sean Moore (room # 9639, recovering from surgery)
Other Announcements: Attention Seniors: Join us for a fun night at the ball park to watch the Nashville Sounds on Friday, July 24. Our bus will leave the parking lot at 5:00 pm. Tickets are $17 per person. Sign up begins Wed. thru Sunday, July 19 in the Gathering Room. Ticket cost must be paid to Eric Hickerson, Kim Long or turned in to the church office by Sunday, July 19.A
Shut-in Visitation Team meeting is scheduled for this Sunday 7/12, in 406 following the evening service.
Family Bible School will be here soon! Mark your calendars for Sunday, 7/19, through Wednesday, 7/22, and invite your friends to join us nightly from 7 until 8:30 for classes, skits, crafts, games and more!
A Ladies’ Summer Fellowship is scheduled for this evening at 6 pm in Fellowship Hall. Join us for food fellowship and games! Bring sandwiches, salads and/or desserts to share! Ashley Fussell will speak about the recent Philippines Mission trip.
The young adult/college group will go to the Nashville Sounds game on Saturday, July 18. If you plan to attend, or need more information please contact Mark Gooch. The next devotional for this group is planned this Sunday at the home of Brian and Carol Ragan.
Going Deeper Bible reading for today: Isaiah 5-8
Today’s Birthdays: Nancy Fielder
Today’s Anniversaries: Tommy & Karen Greene
Saturday’s Birthdays: Cynthia Zuller, Callie Southerland
Saturday’s Anniversaries: None
Sunday’s Anniversaries: Eric & Leah Peeler
Sunday’s Birthdays: Lynwood Smith, Barry Piland, Paul Cummings, Kristen Emery
And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” Isaiah 6:8