We extend our sympathy to Brandon King and family in the loss of his wife, Tanya King, who passed away Monday evening. Visitation will be held tonight from 5-8 PM at the Ronk Funeral Home in Alamo, TN. Funeral services will be held Friday at 11 AM at the Crockett Mills Christian Church.
We extend our sympathy to the family of Bessie Fussell, who passed away Wednesday. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 1:00 PM at Dickson Funeral Home. She was a former Walnut Street member.
Centennial Medical Center: Anita Porter (room #4125)
Prayers are requested for:
- Virginia Petty, who has returned home from the hospital
- Maxine Duke, who will have surgery at Vanderbilt on June 10 to remove pulmonary scar tissue
- Jay Keef, (brother of Jane Keef) who will have triple bypass surgery on June 10
- Alyssa Aydelott, 7th grader in Hickman county who is in critical condition, but is now breathing without a respirator
Other Announcements:
Transportation will be provided to the visitation for Tanya King (Alamo, TN) this evening. The bus will leave from the Walnut Street parking lot at 4:30 PM.
Young Adult/College Devotional – Sunday, June 7th, at the home of Joey & Lisa Holley.
Make plans to attend the Wednesday Express Meal on June 10th. The menu is fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans and rolls.
Bible Bowl preparation is about to begin for 2015! As we do each year, 1st-6th grades will be studying the selected text (1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon) in their Sunday and Wednesday Bible classes this Sunday. More Bible Bowl information will be provided in Sunday’s Edifier.
Going Deeper Bible reading for today: Proverbs 4-6
Today’s Birthdays: Kristy Wall, Lauren Long, Gabriel Jackson, Thomas Harvey, Landree Trotter
Today’s Anniversaries: Will & Julie Hicks
“Hear, my son, and receive my sayings, And the years of your life will be many. I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths.” Proverbs 4:10-11