Congratulations to Mark and Calie Jackson on the birth of their granddaughter, Charlie Mae Sawyer, who was born June 15. Proud parents are Austin and Bekah Sawyer. Proud aunt is Sarah Jackson and proud uncle is Gabriel Jackson.
Prayers are requested for:
- Our Philippine mission team – Allen, Chad, Ashley, Sheridan, Will, Jan, Walker, Evan, Patrick, Emma, Robert, Frank, Maria, Enoch, Jacob and Ted – who will return on June 23rd
- Aaron Zuller, who is in Japan on a mission trip
- Drew Hicks, who leaves today for basic training in South Carolina
Centennial Medical Center: Anita Porter (room 7125)
Other Announcements:
The Senior Ministry is planning an outing to Patti’s Settlement in Grand Rapids, KY on Friday, June 26. The bus will leave the parking lot at 10 AM. Sign-ups will begin this Wednesday evening and the deadline to sign up is Wednesday, June 24.
The next Young Adult/College Devotional will be on June 21st at the home of Rob & Lesa Cude.
CAFÉ Quilters will meet Friday, June 19; all crafters are invited! Contact: Elva Gentry
The next CIA event is Fun in the Sun Day on Saturday, June 27, from 1:00 to 3:30. We will be leaving from the office side parking lot. Bring a towel, YOU WILL GET WET!!!
The young adult/college group will go to Laser Quest on Saturday, June 27, and the Nashville Sounds game on Saturday, July 18. If you plan to attend, or need more information please contact Mark Gooch.
Going Deeper Bible reading for today: Proverbs 25-26
Today’s Birthdays: Jada Tuggle
Today’s Anniversaries: Matt & Erin Steidl, Preston & Brenda Thompson
“Like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool who repeats his folly.” Proverbs 26:11