
The Deacons serve tirelessly and selflessly! They are hardworking individuals who keep the momentum going and make sure positive progress is being made in regards to both church functions, missions, and services. With their support we are able to extend outreach programs both within and beyond the walls of Walnut Street Church of Christ. 

Ethan Brunett (Facilities)

Greg Camarata (Visitation)

Allen Corlew (Bible Hour)

Mark Corlew

Mark Corlew (Visitation)

Kirk Davidson (Security)

Kevin Galloway

Kevin Galloway (Transportation)

Kirk Givens

Kirk Givens (Transportation)

Mark Gooch

Mark Gooch (Survivors Ministry)

Kory Harvey

Kory Harvey (Preschool/Daycare)

Michael Haselhuhn

Michael Haselhuhn (Facilities)

Matthew Kincade (Iron Sharpens Iron)

Steve Leach (Music)

Woody Loden (Facilities)

Spencer Moore (C.I.A. & Bible Bowl)

Steve Moore

Steve Moore (Marriage & Ladies Ministries)

Alan Ragan

Alan Ragan (Missions)

Matt Steidl

Matt Steidl (Connect Groups)

Peter Steidl

Peter Steidl (Ushers/Greeters)

Sam Thomas (Audio/Visual)

Cory Tidwell (VBS)

Tim Tucker (Finance)

Chris Webb (Homebuilders Ministry)

It is truly inspiring to be part of a church family driven by passionate contributions from each dedicated Deacon!