Our Staff

Our incredible church staff is motivated and devoted more than ever to take care of all our church family needs! From providing space for meaningful, uplifting connections to creating unique discipleship opportunities— we understand that it takes close-knit relationships to continue growing in faith and grace. We have tremendous aspirations to make sure our dear congregation is obtaining these experiences that are truly beneficial in finding peace, assurance, and purpose along this our spiritual journeys. 

Chris McCurley | Preaching | Staff | Walnut Street Church of Christ

Chris McCurley

Preaching Minister

Chad Garrett

Connections Minister

Kyle Dickerson

Youth Minister

Chris Hedge

Coordinating Minister
Shawn Harmon | Administration | Staff | Walnut Street Church of

Shawn Harmon

Pamela Massie | Administration | Staff | Walnut Street Church of Christ

Pamela Massie


Our mission is genuinely dedicated to providing everything we need for our church family to make and grow disciples.